Our story

Welcome to Furbaby Comforts. We are a small Melbourne based business consisting of myself and my four year old apprentice! Not just a business but an opportunity for us to combine our love of animals with our love of creating and building.  

All products (apart from afew smaller accessories) are designed and built by us! We also try as hard as possible to support fellow small Australian business’.


 The idea behind this business came afew years ago, when my aging English Staffie Angelina RIP was no longer able to jump onto our bed. I searched for a solution but could not find one and poor quality foam steps was not good or safe enough for my baby. And so now we have The Luxury Bed Ramp!

In my logo image you will see part dog, part cat. They are Angelina and Charlie. My inspiration. Every product I design and build comes from personal experience. A need for a solution, a product which I can not find, so I research, design, test, build, perfect, it never stops. I build with love, for our furbaby’s that love us unconditionally. They deserve to use products where they feel safe and comfortable but also look good doing it!


At the moment our furry family consists of Willow a long hair Weimaraner and Ronnie our recently adopted cat. Yes it’s true, both a dog and cat person in one can exist! We also foster cats through an amazing small non for profit called Heart and Soul. 2% of all our sales is donated to that charity. We support as many animal charities as we can, often donating products for fundraisers, just doing what we can to give back to the ones that give us so much.

If you have any questions, comments or even have a need that you can’t find a solution for, please feel free to contact us.

Thankyou for visiting our website

 Candice and Max
 And Willow…and Ronnie……..and all the fosters 😊